Great North Run
The Great North Run is the world’s biggest and most iconic half marathon. The 52,000 runners start in Newcastle upon Tyne and race to the finish in South Shields.
Over the last 12 years, our staff have worked with the official race accommodation agents, Nirvana Europe, to develop the race day transfer service. This involves moving up to 6,000 runners and supporters from over 40 hotels across the North East, utilising a ‘park n ride’ style service from 22 separate locations.
The Challenge
All the road closures and traffic measures around the Great North Run are highly organised and operated with precision to keep the traffic moving during the race. With the drop off for the start being in Newcastle and coordinated road closures on the route to South Shields, there is little margin for error to get everyone where they need to be before the start and away home at the end without delay.
The Solution
Working directly for Nirvana Europe, each year we design the bespoke logistics for this service, which uses up to 115 coaches on the day. Picking up from locations from Middlesbrough, Hexham, Northumberland and even the Lake District, we drop off runners in Newcastle for the start of the race and then take the supporters to the finish area in South Shields.
Overflow parking
The number of coaches required to undertake this movement has now outgrown the coach station and it’s surrounding area, so additional parking facilities have been secured nearby.
Bespoke Coach Station
Between 1.30pm and 4.00pm, all 6000 passengers access the purpose built temporary coach station again designed and built by Network Creative staff. We work with the Nirvana Europe in supervising, stewarding and operating the coach park, which can load up to 20 coaches at any one time. A turn up and go system is utilized to return everyone home in a safe, timely and efficient way.
The coach station and the overflow coach park have their own risk assessments, which meet the requirements of the local authority and race organisers.
The operation of the Race Transfer Service has evolved greatly over the last 12 years and removes up to two miles of traffic from a highly congested road network. Work with the local authority has provided dedicated coach exits routes to ensure everyone gets home as quickly as possible from this high congested area.